I’m writing this because…… well it’s absolutely random! My sister just asked me for link to my blog, reminding of its existence. May be if it weren't raining so heavily, I wouldn't be home (quite possible) or may be if my sister had something better to do (highly improbable), she wouldn't ask me about my blog. Which makes me think what life is if not long chain of utterly random events coming together & forming a sequence (which in itself is one of the infinite permutation& combinations of the events)?
What is the difference between a person who was present at blast location & another who had passed it a couple of minutes before? What was the probability of Newton sitting beneath an apple tree one fine day & an apple falling off at the same time? Where would I be now had some random person decided to include two questions, I didn’t know answers to, randomly in the entrance test? The more we think about it the more we realize how utterly out of control we are in our life. Entire life which we tend to plan could change drastically due to some random mistake by some random driver, driving some random vehicle, at some random place! Let’s face it; we are flowing in gushing stream of randomness in which we are merely a droplet.
But wait, this is not a cynical attempt to make you believe how absolutely helpless we are. Once we let go the pretence of all the control, we see the sheer beauty of randomness. Our life is presenting us plethora of possibilities that any lifetime plan could ever give! You never know you miss a bus & who you’ll meet. You never know a random thought might take you places. You never know a butterfly might save your house (The Butterfly Effect). That’s the beauty, you just DO NOT know! How exciting it is than a life which has every single day planned to the last second. Now it is up to us whether to fight till last breath to gain control over the flow or just let go & enjoy the ride. (It is the randomness making the decision anyways!)
So here you are randomly reading this article which itself was written randomly because of some random sequence of events. You might have gone through the Butterfly Effect link given above. You might follow it up on Google, exposing you to more random information about randomness making you believe (or ridicule) this randomness stuff, who knows what will happen of it down the line, but you have to concede all of this was pretty random!
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