Blessed are those who can plainly say "NO!",without any hesitation or feeling guilty about it...............Unfortunately for me (& fortunately for all parasites who know me) I'm not blessed with this quality.
While putting forward his theory of evolution Mr. Darwin missed very important point.I strongly recommend that if theory of evolution is rewritten "Survival of creature with capability of refusing" should be included instead of "Survival of fittest".Only people having some experience would know how badly it hurts to get feeling of "I could have said NO!!!!!!" & how difficult it is to survive without saying NO.
May it be my neighbor asking me to get her something even when I'm evidently in hurry (as if I have all time in world) or my fellow passenger in train asking me to shift a bit (even when I'm fourth person sitting & already putting great effort to maintain my equilibrium) or any random XYZ person asking me to do any random ABC thing when knowing I have to something else which is more important than ABC; know one thing for sure, this person has some serious problem with his vocal chords due to which can't utter the magical word "NO!".
World would have been a lot better place had my vocal chords allowed me to pronounce "NO!".
& now as I live on with this problem & as all the parasites I know (In some cases I don't even know) continue using me like a useful resource of work I'm searching for a nice tutor who would teach me to pronounce "NO!" or a skilled surgeon who can fix my vocal chords.........anyone interested in job.........please!!!!!!!!
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